
Know Your Client​

Thanks to our intimate acquaintance with the business community in Latin America and our extensive network we are able to provide to our members valuable information about clients, suppliers, distributors both in Latin America and Israel.

Market Research and Insights

Provide detailed reports and analyses on market trends, and industry opportunities in various Latin American countries.

Regulatory Guidance

Offer information and assistance on navigating the legal and regulatory environments of different Latin American countries, including import/export regulations, taxation, and compliance.

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Trade Missions and Delegations

Organize trade missions and business delegations to Latin America and from Latin America to Israel, providing opportunities for Israeli and Latin American companies to explore business opportunities and establish contacts on the ground.

How to do business with

Provide training on cultural and business differences to help Israeli business people effectively communicate and build business relationships in Latin America.

Networking and Professional Events

Host regular networking events, seminars, and webinars that focus on various aspects and sectors of doing business in Latin America, featuring experts and successful entrepreneurs.

Legal and Financial Services

Partner with local law firms and financial institutions to provide legal and financial services, including contract negotiation, intellectual property protection, and financial planning.

Government and Institutional Relations

Leverage relationships with local governments, trade associations, and other institutions and help to navigate bureaucratic challenges.

Meet the Diplomats

Networking and business events with Ambassadors and Commercial Attaches

Events and Trade Shows

Ongoing information about the most important events, conferences and trade shows in Latam countries and in Israel

Air Europa special discount

A special discount promo code for Chamber of Commerce members

Access to Service providers

HR Recruiters, translating services, SW developers and more.